In 2023 I had a simple goal: to inch closer to my ultimate goal of visiting all 50 states. In April I hit my 48th state on a trip to Hawaii, and by June I hit my long-awaited 49th in Iowa. 

It’s an art to have visited every single state surrounding Iowa and leave a gaping hole in the map. I’ve spent more time in Illinois than I can even count, and yet it seemingly ended there. Visiting Iowa required me to make a specific journey during a summer vacation.

So, what is there to do in Iowa? The people scoffed, but Iowa delivered. 

Between the antique shopping, covered bridges, cherrry dipped cones, haunted farmhouse airbnbs, world’s largest truck stop, and American Gothic house…what more could you really ask for?

Though I do have to say, I’m not inclined to ever visit Winterset again. The vibe was definitely Hallmark movie meets Iowa Caucus and I’m not sure I loved that. However, I’m glad I got to check off Iowa in such a classic way. 


