You know those places you feel like you can’t even afford to be? Capri is one of them. But that doesn’t make it any less drop dead gorgeous, just means you’ve gotta be strategic.

Being an island, your best bet for accessing Capri is via boat which in itself is a surreal experience and this is coming from the beach’s #1 hater. But it’s hard to hate when there are cliffs like this, and even harder to hate when the water is a shade of blue you can’t even make sense of.

Recommended but not required, a taxi from the boat docks to the top of the island would be a wiser move. We instead felt intimidated by the college students on our boat tour who insisted on walking and underestimated how steep it really was. But hey, at least when I stopped to breathe I could snap some pics.

Overall, Capri won’t be your budget friendly day trip. You’re trapped on this island, so you will be paying triple the price for a spritz than you paid in Naples. But built into the price is the experience and the view. Plus you’re surrounded by high-end designer store fronts and resort hotels at every turn, so at this point you’re just along for the ride even if you’re out of your element.

Because this is a community that clearly thrives on tourism, I was working overtime to crop out crowds of people squinting into the sun in weird hats to keep them out of my photos. Once you break free from the main square in town and dart off through some alleys, you can get a much more peaceful experience while still feeling like you’re existing within a dream.

The boat ride back from Capri to Positano was genuinely one of the moments of my life I was like wow…being alive is kinda the best? The cliffs, the water, the homemade limoncello from an unmarked bottle, the sun, the views of Positano as we docked. It’s not something I’ll be getting over any time soon, I’ll tell ya that much.


