Hate tech bros, love San Francisco.

golden gate bridge san francisco overlook

In all seriousness though, I do love SF. The city itself is beautiful, and always holds a special place in my heart for being the first west coast city I ever went to as a kid. I’ve made a couple trips since then, and while I by no means even pretend to understand the layout of the city or any tips and tricks I simply am looking for an outlet to throw some old photos I took a few years ago on a weekend trip that I still love to look at.

san francisco architecture

Easily one of my favorite SF experiences is within Chinatown. Being the largest Chinatown in the US means something, and part of that meaning is the food is insane.

Another cool stop in Chinatown is Golden Gate Fortune Cookies, a small fortune cookie factory located up an alley. It’s painfully tiny, but for 50 cents you can take a photo of the ladies making cookies. It’s oddly satisfying to watch and a small token to pay to invade their space while they work. You can also buy bags of fortune cookies from them in different flavors and themes.

Also have spent all of maybe like one whole hour in Haight-Ashbury, and here’s some pics I snapped that I liked though I couldn’t tell you what they’re of.

haight ashbury window display

Next up in general districts is the Mission District. Home to one of the most terrifying walks of my life from one brewery to El Metate for burritos, which coincidentally was one of my favorite food moments in the city. It was worth the brush with death, and I shall never forget the drifter who fought off the other drifter blocking our path.

As a side quest, my last SF trip included an excursion to Muir Woods across the Golden Gate. I was absolutely infuriated by realizing I lugged my camera through the woods only to have forgotten to put my memory card back in, thus hauling the dead weight of both the camera and my mistakes.

Even given the phone photography, you can spruce anything up in Lightroom.

That about sums up my time in SF. Times I spend blissfully unaware, roaming around being directed by somebody else while I romanticized it through my iPhone lens.

I did have a recovered memory though of the Pacific Heights ghost tour I went on (highly recommend) where I had a camera malfunction that prevented me from taking any photos throughout the tour and into the next day. It’s the only time in my iPhone lifespan that I’ve had that issue come up, and I will swear up and down and on my life that was a ghost. That’s a story for another day, if you ever find yourself willingly choosing to listen to me ramble on about the time my phone did this weird thing.

Anyway, gonna leave u with some pictures baby me took in 2007 of the Japanese Tea Gardens which I consider to be another favorite.


